ohmyzsh插件 composer 相关命令


修改配置文件.zshrc 添加 composerplugins

plugins=(... composer)
别名 命令 描述
c composer Starts composer
csu composer self-update Updates composer to the latest version
cu composer update Updates composer dependencies and composer.lock file
cr composer require Adds new packages to composer.json
crm composer remove Removes packages from composer.json
ci composer install Resolves and installs dependencies from composer.json
ccp composer create-project Create new project from an existing package
cdu composer dump-autoload Updates the autoloader
cdo composer dump-autoload -o Converts PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap for a faster autoloader (good for production)
cgu composer global update Allows update command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory
cgr composer global require Allows require command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory
cgrm composer global remove Allows remove command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory
cget curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer Installs composer in the current directory
co composer outdated Shows a list of installed packages with available updates
cod composer outdated --direct Shows a list of installed packages with available updates which are direct dependencies

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